Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tugas 4 Pembelajaran B. Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

9.      In bus-relief sculpture, a design projects very slightly from its background , _______ some coins.
a.       as on
b.      because
c.       the way that
d.      similarly
Answer : b. as on

4.      Geologists at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory rely on a number of instruments
             A                                                                        B              C
to studying the volcanoes in Hawaii.
Answer : D. to studying

3.      _____________, Jupiter Hannon, was the first American black to publish his own verse.
a.       He was a poet and  Baptist preacher of Long Island
b.      The poet and Baptist preacher of Long Island
c.       The poet and Baptist preacher of Long Island he was
d.      The poet and he was a Baptist preacher of Long island
Answer : b. The poet and Baptist preacher of Long Island