Sunday, March 9, 2014

Social Solidarity

A. Solidarity
Solidarity is unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on universities of interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one.

B. Social Solidarity
Social solidarity is a spiritual potential, a commitment shared by the national identity as well as the Social Solidarity is the conscience of the Indonesian nation is replicated from the attitudes and behaviors based on the understanding, awareness, responsibility beliefs, and social participation in accordance with the ability of each citizen society with the spirit of togetherness, a willingness to sacrifice for others, mutual cooperation in togetherness and kinship.
Therefore Social Solidarity is the basic value of social welfare, social capital in the community continue to be explored, developed and utilized in realizing the ideals of the Indonesian nation to state that welfare society.
As the basic values ​​of social welfare, social solidarity must continue to be revitalized in accordance with the actual conditions of the nation and is implemented in a concrete manifestation in our lives.
Social solidarity is a value that is meaningful to each nation. The soul and spirit of social solidarity in the life of the nation and the people of Indonesia in essence has been around since the days of our ancestors long before this country stand as an independent nation which became known as the nation of Indonesia.
The soul and the spirit of social solidarity in the course of the life of our nation has been tested in a variety of historical events, with the peak manifestation manifested in acts and attitudes based on the sense of community of the people of Indonesia in the face of practice or the practice of "social solidarity" are used to do in life every day. For example, helping people who are sick.

C. Moral Values of Social Solidarity
Solidarity is unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on universities of interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one.
From the sense of solidarity that we can feel or judge a person's humanity. Solidarity means:
1. Personal interests remains placed in the framework of consciousness obligation as a social being in social life.
2. The obligation to the community and the nation felt bigger than his personal interests.
As for the moral values ​​embodied in social solidarity including the following:
1. Please help. Moral values ​​is evident in people's lives, such as: helping fellow neighbors. For example, to help victims of natural disasters or visit a sick neighbor.
2. Mutual assistance, such as working the fields or build a house.
3. Cooperation. This reflects an attitude of moral value to cooperate with others, although different in ethnicity, race, skin color, and does not discriminate the differences in cooperation.
4. The value of togetherness. The moral is there because of the attachment of self and self-interest and fellow loyalty, help and defend each other. Examples contribute something to the place of disaster, whether it be flood, famine or attacked by another nation.

D. Overcome Disasters with Social Solidarity
The values ​​of social solidarity may be the greatest force to solve disaster problems that often occur in Indonesia. "We have the basic form of capital values ​​of mutual cooperation which is still alive in the community. Value mutual assistance is a form of social solidarity that is very useful in the event of a disaster.
The most important thing is how to manage the potential for mutual assistance and local knowledge in each area to address any problems that occur, including in the event of a disaster.
Indonesia has a very heterogeneous social capital in the form of ethnicity, language and region wide. Therefore we need a system that is more powerful than the systems that had been previously offered to cope with the disaster.
There are four approaches to consider when disaster strikes. First thing to do is to equate the perspective that Indonesia is located in disaster-prone areas so that people should always be ready for disasters. Second, disaster management must change the nature of the emergency be retroactive, in accordance with the times.
Disaster management cannot be done partially, but must be comprehensive. This is related to the nature of the disaster cannot be predicted when it will happen. Now we have a system that will be implemented into the community, which should be carried out jointly by the community.
Always provide help in the long run it weakens the fighting power of society. They will always wait for someone else a helping hand when trouble struck. The independence vanished. That's what we do not want. Duties and responsibilities of key government is formed independent communities through empowerment breakthrough. Unfortunately, such programs do not yet see being done in earnest.

E. Social Solidarity also Include:

1. Awareness
One of the actions to foster and strengthen the "social solidarity" is the awareness to all citizens about the causes of poverty and how to help the little people they are. In other words, if used medical term awareness of the diagnosis and therapy of poverty. Structuring a life together in the social, economic, political, or social structures that cause poverty. Medium therapy is the greater participation of poor people in deciding the arrangement of life together. Which is still strong in society is awareness or incorrect diagnosis is poor people are poor because of their mentality, that is lazy, does not persevere in the attempt, it is easy to despair and apathy, accept fate. Though small folk mentality emerged and survived because of the existing social structure that has endured for years.
Another view is about the strong culture of inequality. Inequality in society understood as being taken for granted. A difference rich and poor is considered normal. People instead of feeling ashamed but instead be proud that his lifestyle is very different from the lifestyle of the poor.
Cultural inequality and incorrect diagnoses in the over grown because of the notion of personality Achieving or Achieving Society: what someone obtained it due to a strong desire for someone to excel. Because people also have to compete with others. Which is reasonable in the competition already got rewarded. Is a myth that success is entirely dependent on the willingness to excel. Should be aware that the structure of "social" that is very supportive of one's success.
This false consciousness comes perpetuate inequality "social" economies, politics in society. Moreover, this false consciousness that hinder the need for "solidarity" with the poor people.
The implications of appropriate therapy so little people can free themselves from their poverty, that their participation in managing the common life, is the importance of the distribution of power. This means that the common people should be involved in political activities. They should be free to organize, free of political education.

2. Economics
Monopoly in the economy will clearly widen the economic gap between the rich and poor people. Free fight liberalism will lead efforts or economic activities are small-cap small people would be turned off by economic enterprises that have capital. So protection for small or medium business needs to be given. Instead of progressive taxation is hard and firm needs to apply to large corporations.

3. Education
It often happens unconsciously educational institution it fosters even perpetuate the spirit and practice often unfair competition. Children are invited to compete to answer student questions the teacher. That answer is wrong, being embarrassed, being the right to feel proud.
The lack of success of a pupil into a source of joy and pride of another friend who succeeded. It would thus make the students always knew that he had to compete with his friends. Especially now with the ranking system implemented in our schools.
To try and develop a way for children to get used to work there: the study group, the test group, the group assessment. In addition, for the growth of "social solidarity" in children is not enough to just invite them to visit the hostel strays, old people's home, shelter the disabled and others are managed by the non amaliah.
Such efforts could even harm the education of "social solidarity", because there is a danger of this kind of education is more open and direct action only on charity. Children are not invited to see the injustice and fight for justice.
So it is necessary to analyze the rescued child poverty because poor people were normal. Through the creation of the analysis by the child, the child is expected to see and realize that the structure of "social" now there is what is the cause of poor people remain poor.

4. Structural Change
Step gives aid and charity may be able to sharpen it the gap between the rich and the poor. Because these measures indicate the giver is at a higher position. Thus, while there is a general scheme of the administration as a cause discrimination and inequality. Then view existing charity need to be improved to the stage: "... who fought for social justice structural so no longer need to give alms and funds, these stages will be able to provide more value and dignity to fellow humans."
If we assume they are lower than the target and compassion, we can fall into the attitude oppress, belittle their rights as human beings to choose and determine their way of life. Instead we should have an attitude of solidarity with their suffering.
If we want to help them do we provide assistance in the form of material alone, but we must provide the tools and how to use the tools to meet the needs that must be met. In this case I can quote the philosophy of Confucius: "If you give fish to the hungry, then he will be full day. But if you give him a hook, he will be full for the rest of his life. "
It is appropriate motion "social solidarity" should be directed to raise public awareness of the root causes of their suffering. Not just provide entertainment pa suffering with a number of material assistance. "Social solidarity movement" must be able to reach structurally from the suffering itself. So that it can come to the realization on the poor people that in fact they can also raise the dignity of their lives by understanding the potential. Not only expect help from others. Then give them the opportunity to be able to take the initiative, opening up the potential for self-development opportunities.
In the end charitable giving alms that are supposed to be only one day on special cases. That is only for those with disabilities, half-mad, a family that was already collapsing financially or to the orphans. The responsibility is not to the government, but the responsibility of the government and society. The struggle to build a just and prosperous society if done together.


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